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Property tax spike

THE lack of responsiveness and transparency exhibited by the Walton Cantonment Board in Lahore is irritating. As a responsible taxpayer, I feel compelled to point out the significant increase in property tax and associated charges thathave beenlevied on area residents.

Over the last three years, the property tax, conservancy charges, water and sewerage charges have experienced a steep rise. For 2021-22, the total tax amount was Rs23,330, which rose to Rs44,695 in 2022-23, and has now been scaled up to Rs59,065 for 2023-24. There is10 percentincreasein propertytax, 100pc in conservancy charges, and 30pc each for water and sewerage.

It is evident from the data that the property taxand associated charges have experienced an alarming increase over the last few years. This represents an exorbitant hike of Rs35,735, or approximately 152pc, compared to the tax paid just two years ago.

Despite repeated attempts to seek an explanation for the exorbitant tax hikes, including emails, letters and a personal visit to the Walton Cantonment Board office, my concerns have been met with complete silence and disregard. The lack of response from the authorities is not only disheartening, but also raises questions aboutthe transparency and accountability of the cantonment board.

As taxpayers, our hard-earned money forms the backbone of financing day-to-day affairs of the cantonment board. It is our right to expect respect and timely response to our legitimate concerns. The unresponsiveness of thecantonment board has left the residents feeling unheard and undervalued.

The cantonment board management should prioritise communication with taxpayers and provide a justifiable explanation for the rather steep tax spike. Transparency and accountability are essential elements to build trust and foster a constructive relationship between the board and the area residents.

OmairMahmood Lahore