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CII forms committee to review trans persons law

By Kalbe Ali 2022-09-28
ISLAMABAD: The Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) noted on Tuesday that certain clauses of the transgender persons` law were incompatible with the Sharia and decided to form a highlevel committee to review it.

During a meeting, CII Chairman Dr Qibla Ayaz stressed the need to ensure that the rights of transgender people were protected, but observed that the existing law was `incompatible with the principles of Sharia and may cause new social problems`.

The participants agreed that the law Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2018 should be amended to avoid misuse and regretted that the council was not taken into confidence even when the bill was presented in parliament five years ago.

The CII decided to form a committee consisting of the council`s members, scholars, and legal and medical experts to review the act.

The participants stressed the existing law should be reviewed from every aspect and the committee`s findings be made public.