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Sherry highlights challenges businesses face in adapting to environmental disruptions

By Jamal Shahid 2025-01-29
ISLAMABAD: Chairperson of the Senate Standing Committee on Climate Change Sherry Rehman on Tuesday highlighted the pressing challengesfaced by Pakistani businesses in adapting to environmental disruptions.

She was speaking at a conference on private sector challenges and opportunities in tackling climate change.

Senator Sherry Rehman pointed out the numerous hurdles faced by businesses in Pakistan, including lack of incentives to clean up supply chains and decarbonize operations.

She said the absence of a stable regulatory ecosystem and consistent electricity pricing as significant barriers to sustainable practices.

`Businesses in Pakistan face many issues, including little incentive to clean up dirty supplychains or decarbonise core business practices, not to mention a stable regulatory ecosystem or ele ctricity pricing,` she noted.

The senator emphasised the need for businesses to adopt clear sustainability targets and prioritise transparency in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) reporting.

She called on the Pakistan Business Council (PBC) to take the lead in creating a knowledge and certification portal to establish green benchmarks and encourage circularity in business operations.

`Pakistani businesses need a sustainability `tip sheet` designed specifically for them to meet benchmarks and gain certification incentives for becoming green actors.

`They must also invest in research and development so young innovators can develop low-cost solutions that can be scaled up to deliver local solu-tions,` she said.

Sherry Rehman highlighted the critical role of energy efficiency and renewable energy for allindustries, regardless of their direct involvement in the energy sector.

She also addressed the lack of uniformity in global sustainable business practices, advocating for greater transparency and accountability in reporting sustainability efforts.

`Without a culture of reporting and implementing sustainability actions, we cannot achieve the necessary environmental goals,` she stated.

A significant portion of her speech focused on the environmental challenges posed by plastic waste.

Senator Rehman expressed grave concerns about the rising use of single-use plastics and inadequate recycling efforts, which exacerbate climate change.`Globally, only 9pc of plastic is recycled, and every year, 8 to12 million tonnes of plastic end up in our oceans. In Pakistan, we generate 30 million tonnes of waste annually, of which only 1pc is recycled,` she remarked.

The senator drew attention to the alarming pollution levels of the Indus River, describing it as the second most polluted river in the world.

`There is no reliable record of waste being dumped into Indus River. This information is crucial for developing an effective strategy to control waste,` she said.

Senator Rehman proposed investing in technologies that provide low-cost alternatives to plastics and converting waste into energy to address energy shortages while reducing environment al impact.

Additionally, she urged large companies to promote green consumption through their advertising campaigns.