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Ibrahim denies peace talks deadlocked

PESHAWAR: Jamaat-iIslami leader and member of the Tehreek-i-Taliban peace committee Professor Mohammad Ibrahim Khan on Monday said the TTP-government peace talks hadn`t reached an impasse.

Talking to reporters here after Friday prayers, the JI leader said the release of detainees by the government and the TTP would help build confidence between the two sides.

He said the government and TTP peace committees were expected to meet on Friday but that didn`t happen as the former failed to contact the latter for the purpose.

Professor Ibrahim said efforts had been made to change the war into permanent peace, while the process to build confidence between the two sides had begun.

He said he was hopeful that the issues between TTP and the government would be resolved amicably.

The ,U leader said if the peace process continued, the release of people was possible.

`The people, who are unaware of Pashtun traditions and jirgas, mistakenly consider the situation as deadlock,` he said.

Professor Ibrahim said both the committees wanted to continue dialogue, so how the peace process could be called deadlocked.

He said he was hopeful that the people would hear good news soon. -Bureau Report