SCIENCE has advanced by leaps and bounds. It has made people`s lives easy and comfortable. Machines are making us lazy and people, with the passage of time, have come to depend on them rather than use their mental and physical capabilities to perform a task.
They preferusingthe escalatorinstead of climbing stairs while young people would rather prefer playing games on computers, smart phones and play stations rather opting for physical sports like cricket and football.
Sitting in front of computers or using play stations for a long time also affects our health and reduces physical activities.
Watching television for hours malce us physically dull and prevent us for doing tasks which involve physical efforts. This causes eyesight problems, weight gain, mental stress, etc. Nowadays almost every task is performed with the help of machines. Even preparing food is no big deal.
Excessive use of anything is bad. The same is true for machines.
We should realise that machines are making us lazy and are the cause of manydiseases. We should strive to ensure our physical and mental health by keeping active and fit.