CDA approves allocation of land for two hospitals
By Kashif Abbasi
ISLAMABAD: The city managers on Thursday decided to allocate land for the establishment of two hospitals one to be set up by the Punjab government and the other by the federal government in collaboration with the government of Bahrain.
The500-bedKingHammadUniversity of Nursing and Medical Sciences hospital will be set up by the federal government in collaboration with Bahrain while the Punjab government is planning to open a children`s hospital in the capital.
The CDA Board at a meeting presided over by Chairman Maroof Afzal approved the request of the Punjab government forthe allocation of a piece of land near Benazir Bhutto International Airport.
The children`s hospital will be run by the provincial government and the CDA would have no role in its operation.
`Yes, we have approved the request of the Punjab government for the allocation of over 400 kanals. The exact size of the land and TORs will be settled later.
Today we have decided in principle to allocate the land,` said a board member who requested not to be named.
He said the CDA would give the land to the provincial government on a lease.
The board also approved the allocation of 200 kanals at Park Road for the establishment of the 500-bed hospital.
`The federal health ministry had requested us for the allocation of land for the hospital. We decided to allocate the land at Park Road, which is an ideal place and will cater to the requirements of both the urban and rural population, said the board member. He added that he had no idea whether Bahrain or the federal government would construct the hospital.
`But it seems the government of Bahrain will construct the hospital as a gift to the people of Pakistan,` he said.Meanwhile, a senior officer of the CDA said during the three-day visit to Pakistan in 2014 by King Sheikh Hammad bin Isa bin Salman Al-Khalifa of Bahrain, both the governments had singed six documents relating to bilateral cooperation in different sectors.
`Pm not sure whether the government of Bahrain is going to establish the hospital in the light of these agreements or not.
But it is a fact that both the countries enjoy very cordial relations,` the officer said.
The board also took several other decisions, including making an amendment to the Islamabad Residential Sectors Zoning, Building and Control Regulations. The member said it was decided that minor violations would not be dealt strictly rather the authority would impose heavy fine on the violators.
`We approved some changes such as earlier if there was a minor building violations our teams would smash them, which badly affected the structure of the building. Now, we have decided not to break such structures rather we will impose heavy fines on the violators,` he said.