Arrangements finalised to celebrate Eid Milad
By Aamir Yasin
RAWALPINDI:The garrison city is allsetto celebrate EidMiladun Nabi (peace be upon him) as the district administration and police have finalised arrangements.
The local residents and Miladcommittees of dif ferent mohallahs and localities have decorated the routes of processions with buntings and banners.
The government and private buildings, shopping malls, houses, roads and streets have also been decorated with lights.
Catering services were getting orders from people for sweet dishes. Some are sponsoredexclusively by philanthropists and religious groups. Cooks are also being hired to prepare rice and Kheer (dessert). However, some people also prepare food themselves and the trend is growing. Food is distributed among participants of theEidMiladun Nabiprocession, neighboursand the destitute.
The mainprocessionofEid Miladun Nabi will be taken out from Markazi Jamia Mosque at Raja Bazaar at 10am under the aegis of Central Committee for Jashn-i-EidMiladun Nabi, which will be later joined by other rallies from different areas.
Theprocession, after passing through its traditional route from Jamia Masjid Road, Kohati Bazaar, Benazir Bhutto Road, Iqbal Road, Fawara Chowk, Raja Bazaar and Dingi Kohi will culminate at Markazi Jamia Mosque at night.
A senior official told Dawn that the district administration and police have made comprehensive security arrangements for protection of lives and property of the citizens.
He said that the district administration had activated the control room at Rawalpindi Municipal Corporation to monitor the route through close circuit TV cameras.
He said police have made full preparations for high alert security and officials have been assigned their duties in various areas.
`The processions ofEidMiladun Nabi (peace be upon him) will be guarded with the same commitment and dedication which the administration showed while securing Muharram processions, he said.