RECENTLY, Elon Musk wrote on X, `Some idiots are still building manned fighter jets like the F-35. Manned fighter jets are obsolete in the age of drones anyway and will just get pilots killed.` Theselines are enough for the world to understand the future of combat and military superiority.
According to reports, Israel has been using India-made drones against hapless Palestinians in Gaza. Moreover, influential figures like Henry Kissinger have stated that the future of warfare will be dominated by unmanned artificial intelligence (AI) tools, particularly drones.
In this global race for technological dominance, Pakistan, compared to India, is lagging behind, especially in the field of AI-powered warfare. This disparity raises the possibility of drones falling into the hands ofseparatistgroups.Itis imperative for the establishment to prioritise investment in heavily-equipped small drones.
Private investors should also seek to acquire basic drone technology from China to develop military-grade drones domestically. Without this strategic shift, Pakistan risks losing soldiers on multiple fronts.