As tne Natioral Asse-b y elected the first woman Speaker o` the HoJse in Pakistan`s parliamentary Fistory, the constitutional consensus not crly restored the 1973 Constitution bat also fulfil!cd the long standing cemand of giving provinces autoromy. The passage of the 20 constitut:onal ar-endmert showed that the parliamenta`y der:ocracy is coming of age in Pakistar.
In a welcome change from the past prac tice of the government dominat ng the legislation. th.s Assembly also allowed the b:lis brought in by Private Members to become laws. Moreove`, the National Assembly witnessed presentation of fiveconsecutive oudgets by a civilian democratical y elected government.
The Lcwer House swiftly responced to geo-strategic and secu`ity chal:enges.
neluding the ~ilitary operation m Swat a`.d Malakand. kiling of Osama bin Laden, NATO attack on Pa The Lower House he`d 40 sess ons in the four years meeting for a total of 413 sittings 100 in the first, 107 in the second, 109 in t^e third and 103 sittirgs n the fourth parliamentary year in the four years, the National Asse-bly passed a total of 96 bills. Though the House passed only five bills in the first parliamentary year, the !egis ation Dicked up pace in the second, third and fourtn parliamentary years. The Lower House