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STB fails to meet Larkana`s need for free textbooks

By M.B. Kalhoro 2024-08-30
LARKANA: The Sindh Textbook Board (STB) has failed to meet the required demand of free textbooks for classes I to X for Larkana district as per request submitted by district education officer.

Gul Bahar Magsi, district education officer of elementary, secondary and higher secondary, said in a letter dated Aug 10 to the STB chairman that 48,547 sets of books out of required 97,744 sets had not yet been received. The matter had been conveyed to Larkana deputy commissioner as well, he said.

The letter, a copy of which was available with Dawn, said that the number of total sets of books for classes one to tenth for English, Sindhi and Urdu mediums for the 2024-2025 academic year required by the district`s schools, was reached on the basis of reports received from taluka education officers and heads of institutions and was submitted to the STB chairman.

`Now, we have received a total of 49,197 sets and the shortfall in the secondary sector stands at 28,316 sets,` said the letter. The total shortfall of books` sets stood at 48,547, which could lead to disaster in teaching and learning process and loss to students` studies.

Unfortunately, Larkana district education office had not received even a single set of books for primary from classes I to five while the demand stood at 20,231 sets for students enrolled in the campus schools of ES & HS sector (campus schools).

The DEO requested in his communication with the STB chairman to issue orders for earlier provision of books for classes I to tenth in different mediums in order that the books might be distributed among deserving students in time.

DEO Magsi told Dawn on Thursday that they did not have required stock of textbooks to distribute. Not a single book of English subject for Vllth, IXth and Xth had been received so far, he said and called for immediate arrangements for resolving the issue.

In response to the DEO`s letter, Larkana deputy commissioner also requested secretary for education to take necessary action and direct the STB chairman to meet the shortfall of free textbooks for classes I to Xth for English, Sindhi and Urdu mediums of secondary sector as soon as possible.