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Train services at Sibi-Harnai section restored after 18 years

By Saleem Shahid 2023-10-30
QUETTA: The Pakistan Railways restored train services at Sibi-Harnai section on Sunday. The train services on the section were suspended 18 years ago when militants had destroyed main bridges and railway tracks in 2005.

Balochistan caretaker Chief Minister Mir Ali Mardan Domki and caretaker Minister for Railways, Communications and Maritime Affairs Shahid Ashraf Tarar inaugurated the train service at a ceremony held at the Sibi Railway Station.

On the demand of the people of Sibi and Harnai, the Pakistan Railways had started reconstruction of railway bridges and laying new railways tracks with the support of members of security forces.

There was no road link between Sibi and Harnai which used to cause great difficulties for the people of both cities.

Mr Tarar, while inaugurating the Sibi-Harnai train service, announced that Bolan Mail service, linking Quetta to Karachi, will also be restored on Dec ember 25. At present only Jaffar Express is running between Quetta and Peshawar.

Speaking at the inaugural ceremony, the caretaker chief minister said the caretaker governments in the province and at the federal level are lceen to pro-vide maximum transport facilities to the people.

He said the revival of the Sibi-Harnal train service after 18 years has resolved a major problem of the local people which they had been facing for the last 18 years due to non-availability of a road between Sibi and Harnai and now they can travel at cheap fares in the train.

`The people of Sibi and its adjacent areas will now get fresh vegetables and fruits as Harnai is the fruit basket of the area and there will be a positive impact on the local economy of the train service,` Mr Domki said, adding that with the revival of the train service not only the people will get the better transport facility, but train service restoration would also generate employment opportunities for the local people.

The chief minister said the federal and provincial governments are dedicated to addressing the sense of deprivation among the people of Balochistan.

Caretaker railways minister said that through collective efforts of different institutions and the public, the train services has been restored.

He said the Quetta-Karachi Bolan Mail service will be restored on December 25.

He also announced the operation of a passenger train from Sibi to Harnal in the coming days, adding that the process of resuming the Akbar Bugti Express train will take some time.

He assured the people that the train service restored today would not be discontinued under any circumstances.