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Embracing 2024 with these resolutions

By Ramsha Mujib 2023-12-30
The countdown has begun.

The clocks are ticking fast and the hourglass is about to indicate the moment to initiate the celebrations for welcoming 2024.

I am sure you all must be full of zeal and enthusiasm. Along with anticipations and expectations for a brighter, happier and more prosperous year, coupled with a vow not to repeat the mistakes made last year, before we enter 2024, pause and take a moment to reflect. Like every year, will it be just a change of a digit or will the advent of the new year bring in a change in you-in a positive way? The year 2023 leaves behind a lot of memories to cherish and lessons to learn from. The new year 2024 is right in front of you, with each day inviting you to live it exactly the way you want. So how well-equipped are you to embrace the challenges and make the most of every opportunity 2024 has to offer? You certainly cannot let the setbacks of 2023 steal your enthusiasm to pursue your goals this year. Whatever you plan, here are a few guidelines that I believe can be fruitful in making 2024 more significant and worthwhile. So let`s see what they are.

List down your goals First and foremost, you must simply put down on paper the objectives you wish to achieve in 2024. These can be related to your academics, personal well-being, family or friends any aim you want to attain this year.

Writing them down will help you in many ways. Whenever you feel drifted, these written goals will help you get back on track, whenever you see them. Re-reviewing them will boost your confidence and ensure steady progress.

Learn from your mistakes This is highly important. No matter how many times you have heard this being said before, it needs to be said again. No one except you better knows how to avoid the mistakes you made. Making mistakes is not bad, but not learning from them is wrong.

If you have understood where you lacked last time, try not to repeat that mistake, choose a different approach so that you may get a different outcome.

Follow your passion Well, we all have hobbies, don`t we? These can include gardening, writing, photography, sketching,painting, cooking and all those that are your favourite. Any activity that makes you happy and you are always eager to do, you must pursue. Often due to tough schedules and strict routines, we are unable to spend time doing the activities that fascinate us. So for the new year, devise your timetable in such a manner that you devote more time following the areas of your interest.

Health comes first We all are familiar with the saying that health is wealth. So let`s make it a point not to neglect our health under any circumstances. Unless you are healthy and well,you will neither be able to help yourself nor be of any assistance to others.

To be healthy, you must eat healthy.

This means eating a minimum of junk food, staying hydrated and consuming a balanced diet. Instead of relying on frozen food or meals ordered from restaurants, try eating mainly home-cooked meals. Not only are they rich in their nutritional content, but are also highly safe in terms of hygiene. Nowadays, there are numerous mouth-watering and easy-to make recipes available on various social media apps online. With the help of your elders, you can try them out, and this way learn and enjoy them simultaneously.

Fitness matters Fitness is not just for elders. As a kid, you also need to have an active lifestyle. Experts advise that to ensure physical and mental wellness, every individual must exercise for at least 30 minutes, five days a week.

This will not only help us stay active, but will also boost our immune system and keep numerous diseases and health issues at bay.

For instance, playing outdoor games also is a form of physical exercise, be it cricket, football, running, jogging, bicycling, swimming, yoga, or aerobics. The more you are physically and mentally strong, the better your quality of life and health will be in the future.

Number crunching There is no shame in admitting it if you are bad at numbers. There is always a chance for improvement, right? If math is the subject that always gives you a tough time, let`s prepare for it right from the beginning of this year. Instead of running away from the problem, how about pulling the bull by the horns? This year, let`s get rid of the math monster by practicing hard right from the start. If you need any assistance, you can seek help from your teachers and peers, consult your elders, watch tutorials and then give it your best.

Gradually, you will improve. Just remember, slow and steady wins the race.

Readers are leaders To be proficient at language skills, you must read every day. It could begin with reading newspapers, excerpts from your textbooks, a perusal of fiction or non-fiction books, monthly published magazines and newsletters. Research suggests that we must read for about 15-20 minutes daily.

This helps us de-stress, boost writing competencies, stimulate thinking power and improve vocabulary.

Go digital Being digitally literate is the new norm. Take a look around yourself and see how the growing use of internet has impacted our daily lives.

Every big and small business, all fields of entertainment and education now heavily rely on the internet for means of communication and dissemination of useful information.

Therefore, you must be sound in your digital skills. Numerous courses are now being offered by renowned IT institutes, both online and onsite, such as those of content writing, SEO, digital marketing, WordPress, graphic designing, video editing, web development, etc. By acquiring these skills, you will not only accentuate your knowledge and better utilise your expertise at school or work, but will also be able to ace your chances of a better career.

Get rid of bad habits We all have one or more habits which don`t come under the `good` category. These could be losing temper, fighting on petty issues with friends or siblings, procrastinating, lying, backbiting or being tardy.

Make a vow to break away from them in 2024. It will be hard for you to do so instantly, but, believe me friends, you will see the difference in your personality soon if you stop doing them. It will also have an overall positive impact on your personality and relationships with others.

Being grateful In the new year, promise yourself that if you are unable to get what you want, despite the hard work and all the efforts you have put into, you are not going to complain. It will be difficult, but remember that all bad times pass eventually. And if during that time you remained grateful for all the blessings the Almighty has bestowed you with and did not whine but held on to your belief, Allah will not leave you alone, you will pass the trial eventually.

Always have an attitude of gratitude, because it will put your heart at ease, give you the strength to go through tough times and enable you to foster positivity around you too.

Be the source of smiles This world can be such a good place to live if we all take a little step each day towards being more compassionate, considerate, patient, empathetic, caring, selfless and generous towards each other.

In 2024, be the change you wish to see in others. Be the change maker yourself by spreading positivity and goodness around.

Help others in any way you can, appreciate someone for being thoughtful, run errands for an elderly neighbour, feed stray animals, or even tutor underprivileged kids. Any small act of kindness from your side that generates smiles and uplifts the society is what will help make a difference.

May this New Year be a source of abundant happiness, success and blessings for all of us! Ameen. Wishing you all a very Happy New Year!