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Helpline receives 1,256 complaints from women in Rawalpindi

RAWALPINDI: The Punjab government`s helpline 1737 received 1,256 complaints from women in the Rawalpindi district during the outgoing year, out of which 489 were related to domestic violence, 470 to psychological violence and 128 calls were made seeking legal aid.

In a briefing, Rawalpindi Anti-Violence Centre Deputy Director Rizwana Bashir said the Punjab Women Protection Authority transferred these cases to the centre which solved 1,089 of them while 167 were in process.

`Three to four women in Rawalpindi district contact the helpline daily for help and they are given immediate response and legal counselling, medical or legal assistance and psychological treatment free of charge, she said.

She said any woman or girl who calls 1737 comes under the protection of the Punjab government and the entire government machinery, including police and the administration, take action to redress their grievances.

Staff Reporter