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Journey of science

BY M O H S I N FA R E E D 2025-01-31
OVER the last four centuries, the physical sciences have undergone a metamorphosis marked by breath-taking discoveries and the evolution of sophisticated theories about the nature of reality. From Isaac Newton`s ground-breaking work on matter and motion, to Albert Einstein`s revolutionary ideas about energy and space-time, and finally to David Bohm`s hypothesis linking quantum mechanics to consciousness, each era has expanded humanity`s understanding of the universe. This transition paves the way for better understanding of the interface between science and spirituality.

The groundwork for classical mechanics was laid by Sir Isaac Newton. His matter hypothesis postulated that the universe was composed of indivisible discrete particles called atoms, governed by invariable laws of motion and gravity. Newton`s landmark work,PhilosophiaeNaturalisPrincipiaMathematica, integrated the motion and gravitation laws into a collected framework. He provided a predictable and perceptible understanding of natural phenomena.

For example, his equations explained how stellar bodies move in elliptical orbits.

Newton`s reductionist ideas formulated matter as dormant and passive, subject only to external forces. While Newton`s ideology successfully elaborated macroscopic phenomena, questions about the nature of light, electromagnetic waves, and the behaviour of matter at exceedingly small scales remained unanswered.

Advances in applied physics and the discovery of phenomena such as radioactivity exposed substantial gaps in Newtonian mechanics by the early 20th century. These challenges were consummated in the innovative work of Albert Einstein, who radically reshaped humanity`s understanding of energy,matter, and space-time. Einstein`s special theory of relativity introduced the famous equation, e=mc2. This equation smashed the Newtonian assumption of matter as inert and invariable, showing that matter is a concentrated form of energy instead. His general theory of relativity further revisited gravity as the curvature of space-time caused by mass and energy.

Einstein`s ideas replaced the deterministic framework of Newton with a relativistic model, where time and space were no longer considered absolute but rather relative to the observer. This drastic change laid the groundwork for innovations such as GPS technology and nuclear energy.

David Bohm introduced a radical outlook that sought to desegregate the perplexing aspects of quantum mechanics with broader inquiries about reality and consciousness in the mid-20th century.

Influenced by Eastern philosophy and quantum physics, Bohm hypothesised thatthe universe is interconnected, operating as a holistic system at all levels. His implicate order theory suggested that the visible, tactile universe (the explicate order) emanates from an elementary, enwrapped reality (the implicate order). This idea addressed the ability of particles to exhibit wave-particle duality and distant interactions, where particles influence each other expeditiously across gigantic distances.

Bohm`s work outstretched beyond physics into the domain of consciousness, which is synonymous with awareness of God.

Bohm`s implicate order theory explains the mind-matter connection, suggesting that consciousness plays a role in orchestrating reality thus influencing interdisciplinary research in the realms of neurosciences, philosophy, and spirituality. Bohm`s approach signifies an important shift from reductionism to a more inclusive understanding of the universe and humanity. The science that was repulsive to an idea of religious belief thus began to embrace religious ideas culminating with the discoveryof the Higgs boson or `God particle`, completingthestandard model of particle physics. This evolution is illustrated in the Quran as: Allah `built the universe with great might, and We are certainly expanding it` (51:47).

The progress of physical science reflects humanity`songoing desire to understand the true nature of reality. After these step-wise calculations, we are now beginning to realise that the boundaries between physics, philosophy, spirituality, and metaphysics are fluid and not as rigid as once thought. Each archetype has not only transfigured our understanding of the physical universe but also reshaped our scientific, philosophical, and sociocultural viewpoints.

The likes of Newton, Einstein and Bohm remind us that the pursuit of knowledge is an unending journey, challenging us to expand our horizons. As we advance from the early 17th-century concept of the nonexistence of God in science towards more recent awareness of consciousness, these ideas continue to evolve into new lines of inquiry thus paving the way to connect science with the ultimate Creator ofthe universe.m The wnter is an assistant professor at West Virginia University School of Medicine.

X: @mohsinfareed