DESPITE being the centre of attraction nationally, and even internationally, for the last several years, Gwadar suffers from acute shortage of water. Water is the fundamental right of humans and animals, but the people are not getting proper water supply in the main city area, leave alone their cattle.
It is an irony that while a new international airport has been built in Gwadar and is now fully functional, the city has no water. Gwadar is the third largest city in Balochistan, but can we say that Gwadar has been developed, or is being developed? No.
The rich can buy water, but what about the poor and middle-class families? They are the ones who suffer and struggle to survive. I wonder what is the purpose of `developing` the city when its residents do not have access to potable water.
Water is a basic necessity for human life to survive. It is imperative for the provincial government to ensure regular water supply to the people of Gwadar.