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Palestine refugees

PARIS: Pakistan today [Oct 30] told the United Nations that the plight of 500,000 Arab refugees from Palestine resulted directly from the General Assembly`s partition decision.

Mr Mudabbir Hussain Chaudhri, Pakistan delegate, told the Humanitarian Committee ... `The responsibility for the consequences ... must be faced squarely, and it becomes the responsibility of the United Nations to save the lives of the Palestine refugees and to rehabilitate them ... and also to try to restore them to their former conditions of life.` Mr Chaudhri gave his full support to the fourPower proposal (by Britain, the United States, Belgium and the Netherlands) for a special $29,500,000 United Nations fund to be devoted to the 500,000 Arab refugees from Dec 1 to Aug 31 next year. News agencies [Meanwhile, according to news agencies from Paris,] Colonel Abdur Rahim Khan, one of Pakistan`s delegates to the General Assembly ... told the United Nations it was `absolutely impossible` to secure peace in the Balkans until Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Albania ceased helping the Markos guerilla forces.